Solved Command for filtering the output of spamassassin -D --lint

I realize this is a trivial question, but every now and then I want to check the output of spamassassin -D --lint for errors and piping it through grep doesn't work, even with --line-buffer.

I'm sure it is a simple thing I should have at the tip of my fingers, but after some googling and trial and error I'm still stuck on the errors part of the trials.

I'd like to filter the output for lines that do not contain "dbg" as in what I'd expect from spamassassin -D --lint | grep -v dbg.
Hi covacat, thank you! I tried that and I get (and perhaps I'm in the wrong shell for it)

# spamassassin -D --lint 2>&1|grep -v dbg
Ambiguous output redirect.

That works fine in Bash.