I've installed FreeBSD 11.2, and i've installed samba too, I use pkg install samba command. When the setup is completed, it says 'your configuration is on /usr/local/etc/smb4.conf'. But when I go to /usr/local/etc directory, I can't find smb4.conf file. I go to /etc and i t same the file is doesn't exists, I try to reinstall the samba but it's all same.... so where i can find out the smb4.conf?

sorry I'm newbie, hope someone can help me with this, thanks.
In addition to the above: if you want to know what you can put in it then check it's manualpage ( man smb.conf) which will point you to smb.conf(5). Also: it can be a good idea to check the contents of a package to find more information about it, so using pkg info -lx samba. This points you to /usr/local/share/doc/samba46/README.FreeBSD which could be a good read to start with.
It doesn't exist, you need to create it.

Oh nice, thank you so much. So I must create it. but what configuration I can put on the smb4.conf file? Is there an example? I don't know what configuration that I can write into smb4.conf....... sorry :) I'm really new to using FreeBSD.