Updated: solved thanks to the info at this message
I've been messing around with this laptop (Thinkpad E495) and FreeBSD since last year. While using the 13.0-CURRENT version until march, I was able to change the screen brightness via:
Now using the release version of FreeBSD 13 I can't change the brightness at all.
I cannot reach
There is no result searching for
All the info I can get from the screen, related to brightness is located at hw.acpi.video.lcd0:
Trying to change the values manually doesn't affect actual screen brightness.
How should I proceed?
Thanks in advance.
I've been messing around with this laptop (Thinkpad E495) and FreeBSD since last year. While using the 13.0-CURRENT version until march, I was able to change the screen brightness via:
$ doas sysctl sys.class.backlight.amdgpu_bl0.bl_device.brightness=value
Now using the release version of FreeBSD 13 I can't change the brightness at all.
- I have loaded the following modules
- And I have the following relevant pkgs installed:
drm-fbsd13-kmod-5.4.92.g20210419 DRM modules for the linuxkpi-based KMS components
libdrm-2.4.106,1 Userspace interface to kernel Direct Rendering Module services
xf86-video-amdgpu-19.1.0_2 X.Org amdgpu display driver
I cannot reach
from sysctl anymore.There is no result searching for
in sysctl.All the info I can get from the screen, related to brightness is located at hw.acpi.video.lcd0:
$ sysctl -a | grep lcd
hw.acpi.video.lcd0.levels: 100 100 5 10 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 80 90 100
hw.acpi.video.lcd0.economy: 100
hw.acpi.video.lcd0.fullpower: 100
hw.acpi.video.lcd0.brightness: 100
hw.acpi.video.lcd0.active: 1
Trying to change the values manually doesn't affect actual screen brightness.
$ doas sysctl hw.acpi.video.lcd0.brightness=50
How should I proceed?
Thanks in advance.