Can I use the text editor ee (edit) instead of visudo?

FreeBSD - man edit.jpg

Is this a way to use this easy editor instead of visudo when upgrading FreeBSD. I think it is a matter some environment variable setting accordingly.
Someboy could help me about?
What is your EDITOR variable in your shell config? You can try something like # EDITOR=ee visudo if your shell supports using environmental variables for running commands like that.

For example, i use /bin/sh shell and this is my config for setting EDITOR to editors/vim.

yusuf@hale:~ $ echo $EDITOR
yusuf@hale:~ $ grep EDITOR .profile
EDITOR=vim;     export EDITOR

I ran # EDITOR=ee visudo and visudo(8) opened with ee(1).

Thank you so much, I use this editor since years ago. It is so easy and practical for using. I'll try to set information you are giving me, later I'll write to you again.
Thank you again. (The keyboard is very mad on my notebook, ha, ha, ha)