Solved Can I have rc.conf.local files?

I'm looking for a way of using multiple rc.conf.local files, as far as I know this is not possible. Maybe there is someone who is aware how to do it? rc.conf & rc.conf.local are not enough/not the best for my use-case
I'm looking for a way of using multiple rc.conf.local files, as far as I know this is not possible.
Quite possible under /etc/rc.conf.d/.

From rc.conf(5)
 In addition to /etc/rc.conf.local you can also place smaller
     configuration files for each rc(8) script in the /etc/rc.conf.d directory
     or ⟨dir⟩/rc.conf.d directories specified in local_startup, which will be
     included by the load_rc_config function.
Don't put scripts or commands in /etc/rc.conf or /etc/rc.conf.d/. They get sourced multiple times during boot. Only put the 'regular' rc.conf(5) variables in there.
Thank you guys, /etc/rc.conf.d/ is good.
As far as I can tell the caveat is that the files it this directory must have a specific name. For example /etc/rc.conf.d/vlan100_routes or /etc/rc.conf.d/vlan100routes would not bring up the specific static routes at boot but /etc/rc.conf.d/routing will.