[Bluetooth] CSR Bluetooth Dongle not working on FreeBSD 14.2-RELEASE (BabaOS) - Need assistance

Hello FreeBSD (BabaOS) community,

I'm experiencing issues with a Bluetooth USB dongle on my FreeBSD system and need your help.

System details:
FreeBSD 14.2-RELEASE releng/14.2-n269506-c8918d6c7412 GENERIC amd64

Cambridge Silicon Radio Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)
Vendor ID: 0x0a12

The device is detected by the system:
ugen4.2: <Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode) Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd> at usbus4, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=FULL (12Mbps) pwr=ON (100mA)

ubt0 on uhub3
ubt0: <vendor 0x0a12 USB2.0-BT, class 224/1, rev 1.10/88.91, addr 2> on usbus4

All necessary modules are loaded:
- ng_ubt.ko
- netgraph.ko
- ng_hci.ko
- ng_bluetooth.ko
- ng_l2cap.ko
- ng_btsocket.ko

When trying to start the Bluetooth stack using:
`/etc/rc.d/bluetooth start ubt0`
I get the following error:
`/etc/rc.d/bluetooth: ERROR: Unable to setup Bluetooth stack for device ubt0`

1. Has anyone successfully used this specific CSR dongle with FreeBSD?
2. Are there any known issues with CSR dongles on FreeBSD 14.2?
3. What additional debugging steps would you recommend?
4. Could someone share a list of confirmed working Bluetooth dongles for FreeBSD?

I've already verified that all necessary kernel modules are loaded. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.
Another non-working Bluetooth dongle, from the same vendor, see this thread
Another non-working Bluetooth dongle, from the same vendor, see this thread
Have you tried other devices? I need to know exactly which ones work and on which OS version, and which ones don't. The information here isn't always accurate - I remember with MacBook, they wrote that WiFi definitely works, but in fact it didn't. I've been caught by misleading information on this site several times already.

Buying equipment just for testing requires quite a bit of money, and it's actually foolish to adapt OS to hardware - we should choose hardware that's compatible with our OS. I've already decided on my OS, but these kinds of issues are very disappointing.
As you have found out already - getting things accurate isn't always so easy. Companies selling "stuff" are more interested in selling than in putting in a correct description of what chips and so on are inside of their product.

Like other users here; I can only report devices I have and how they work (or not) with the machines and operating systems that I currently have installed, using whatever amount of free time that I can spare for this.

If the small amount of work I have done helps you or other users here - great!
If not; too bad - this is a user forum, nobody here gets paid to do work for other users here.
As you have found out already - getting things accurate isn't always so easy. Companies selling "stuff" are more interested in selling than in putting in a correct description of what chips and so on are inside of their product.

Like other users here; I can only report devices I have and how they work (or not) with the machines and operating systems that I currently have installed, using whatever amount of free time that I can spare for this.

If the small amount of work I have done helps you or other users here - great!
If not; too bad - this is a user forum, nobody here gets paid to do work for other users here.
I understand you, but we also need to decide on an operating system for our tasks, and there are two things I don't like about modern FreeBSD. First, it borrows a lot from Linux, which is essentially a mess, but okay, it's not even a working mess. And to get it working properly requires a ton of personal time, and then it gets broken by the next software update. I won't go into details, but the fact that Linux is unstable is a fact. And if under FreeBSD I can find a working adapter or video card, or assemble equipment in advance, then I will be 90% confident that it won't let me down. Which cannot be said about Linux. I'm just looking for normal equipment, both peripherals and things like definitely working video cards for Wayland. My AMD R7 definitely works, but as it turns out, this is not enough, and Wayland itself is wildly unstable and you have to put up with many things, and this greatly distracts from work. You know, I regret leaving macOS, there the computer just worked. And here it turns out to be a mess, on one hand I can do whatever my soul desires, but on the other hand, it also limits my capabilities. If with macOS I just did my work, watched movies and so on, here I have to constantly look for something, configure things, and so on.
This is exactly why I like FreeBSD, for its integrity and stability, and most importantly, because it stays true to its principles and philosophy. And I wouldn't want to lose such a wonderful OS, and I left Linux long ago. But now I'm thinking about just returning to macOS, and forgetting all this free software again, like a nightmare I once had.

The text expresses a sentiment common among system administrators and power users, showing appreciation for FreeBSD's consistency while expressing frustration with the current state of free software alternatives, ultimately considering a return to the more controlled but reliable macOS environment.
As you have found out already - getting things accurate isn't always so easy. Companies selling "stuff" are more interested in selling than in putting in a correct description of what chips and so on are inside of their product.

Like other users here; I can only report devices I have and how they work (or not) with the machines and operating systems that I currently have installed, using whatever amount of free time that I can spare for this.

If the small amount of work I have done helps you or other users here - great!
If not; too bad - this is a user forum, nobody here gets paid to do work for other users here.
Why is FreeBSD not (more) like ....Thread 66591

I think we need to launch our own FreeBSD-based distribution called BabaOS. And this isn't about discussing different paths of OS development, as that would be as foolish as discussing people's behavior. Here, everyone makes their own decisions whether to litter on the street, take a garbage bag when going for a walk, and so on. This is a matter of personal responsibility for each person, but I'm more concerned about modern technologies and their development path. Which I like less and less year after year. Starting from small things and ending with issues like non-working Bluetooth USB adapters. You understand? I need an OS that won't mock me, like Windows does, or any of the modern distributions from the free software world, or macOS with its exorbitantly expensive OS and hardware. I simply want to work peacefully with my favorite OS, not with one that I hate with every fiber of my being. And how can one do anything with a tool they don't love?

Thanks for the link, I'll check it out. But I don't think there's any need to delete this topic.