Bluetooth & bluez

bluetooth.h already has a few macros for linux bluez compatibility. How do I request the following bluez macros be added? (this is straight out of bluez's bluetooth.h). I'm porting some Linux Bluetooth software, and find heavy use of these macros.

/* Byte order conversions */
#define htobs(d)  (d)
#define htobl(d)  (d)
#define btohs(d)  (d)
#define btohl(d)  (d)
#define htobs(d)  bswap_16(d)
#define htobl(d)  bswap_32(d)
#define btohs(d)  bswap_16(d)
#define btohl(d)  bswap_32(d)
#error "Unknown byte order"
There are already those specific macros, you just need to find them in /usr/include/sys and add them to the include, and make sure your automake is either cross/compiling or not to the proper architecture.