bhyve Bhyve weirdness in 14.0

Hi forum...

To start I wanna say that I'm not a newbie bhyve wise, in fact I've got right now 15 bhyve, servers each one with at least 10 vms, mostly Windows, some Linux and FreeBSD as well, the oldest is still 12.2, the newest 13.2... @home I have a little HP microserver in which I keep a couple of windows for pentesting tasks... Okay, all of my servers worked flawlessly up to 13.2, now, UEFI seems to be broken, yesterday I had to configure a new server and obviously went with 14.0...first vm I tried to didn't start at all (ended with "bhyve exited with status 4") problem with grub, just UEFI... My machines are pretty standard servers, all of them Xeons and @home AMD, all of them with vm-bhyve grub2-bhyve uefi-edk2-bhyve-csm bhyve-firmware installed, never needed anything else...I use vm-bhyve 'coz is easier to configure and admin than pure bhyvectl...

Having said that.. I'm totally lost with what is going on with UEFI VMs...Has anyone experienced something like that? What am I missing??

Thanks in advance.