Beagle Bone Black FreeBSD 10 LibSSL Problem

so I have this Beagle Bone Black and it works quite well with FreeBSD 10, however I discovered some minor problems with it, like the fact that fetch does not work because it lacks some kind of library.
So ... first my uname -a
 FreeBSD beaglebone 10.0-STABLE FreeBSD 10.0-STABLE #0 r261200: Wed Jan 29 02:31:22 UTC 2014  arm
and then the output of fetch and other utilities that rely on the same library there.
Shared object "" not found, required by ""
Hi gustopn,

Are you able to SSH to the BBB when it is running FreeBSD?

This has nothing to do with your issue.

Of course I am able to do SSH on my FreeBSD? How else would I log in?
So that is not a problem to me.

You have to first connect to your BBB through a serial cable (there are USB adapters for that) and then you set your root password and also you do allow it to log in for root over ssh in sshd_config or you just create a user.

However, I would rather stick to the point now that my SSL is broken!
gustopn said:
Of course I am able to do SSH on my FreeBSD? How else would I log in?

Can you not plug in a monitor and a keyboard? Generally interested because I plan on putting FreeBSD on a BBB soon as well.

More on topic, have you tried using openssl from ports? Or does portsnap fetch also fail?
Of course does portsnap fetch fail. All applications that are using fetch are failing.
And why would I plug in a monitor and keyboard? That is a bad idea, since I would first need a monitor with HDMI input and guess what is cheaper.
A usb-serial adapter is the best solution. However, i remember that on Raspberry Pi it does HDMI per default, so i had to change some u-boot loader
variables to get it hitting me with output on the console instead of the framebuffer.

The last I heard, FreeBSD for the BeagleBone Black did not have HDMI support. I was told this in November, I believe so things might have changed.
