Backlight and keyboard layout issue

Hello everyone!

Supernewbie here, but I have with Google, the handbook and by searching the forums solved almost every issue I had.

Except for these -

I have a backlight issue, that makes X (and for me KDE) almost black. And solve it after every boot with help of a flashlight to my screen (to navigate in the dark) with Intel_backlight 75 which make my screen perfect. Can I somehow make this to happen automatic? On boot.

Next one is the Swedish keyboard layout.
Now I have to issue the command setxkbmap se after every boot is this also possible to have it happen automatic on boot?

Thanks in advance, and sorry for my grammatically incorrect English.

For keyboard, create /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/keyboard.conf
Section "InputClass"
  Identifier  "KeyboardDefaults"
  Driver  "keyboard
  MatchIsKeyboard "on"
  Option  "XkbLayout" "se"

Fixing backlight depends on how Xorg gets started, and if you are logged in automatically past a "greeter" window. If so, ~/.kde/Autostart might do, or else something in /usr/share/config/kdm/.

Hi guys,

Sorry for the late response, this day has been a hard reminder of that life is fragile. 40 minutes after I posted my message, I get a call that a good friend has had a heart attack, and was on the way to the hospital.

He is in intensive care now and my day was therefore spent on the hospital.

I just wanted to clarify why I ask something and then disappear.

I thank you both, and will test your suggestions Juha Nurmela .

Thank you very much
Have a nice weekend.
