Other Anyone using hikari and what's your experience & settings?

I'm curious because it's a pretty unique combination with Wayland on FreeBSD. I've taken a look from time to time but never tried it myself (and I have to admit that I'm not even running FreeBSD yet, because I wanted to wait for "13" to give it a first spin on my new laptop).

For me the question now is to go either for a full-fledged KDE installation and/or start playing around with something like x11-wm/hikari, or otherwise x11-wm/cwm if aiming for the more traditional x11 way.

For anyone already having tried or using hikari, please provide your thoughts and configs.
i have tried it once for a couple of days. it works just fine, however, what is challenging for me is default keybindings for various window/layout manipulations, there are many of such combinations of alt, ctrl, meta which takes time to get used to. maybe it's possible to remap some of most used ones to simpler keybindings, but i was way to lazy to deal with. i plan to return to it in future.
I've been using it a couple of months ago for a while. It was a very nice experience. I think if I'd embark on creating my own WM, this would be pretty much it.

In my opinion it's quite an awesome WM. There are/were mainly two reasons I stopped using it:
  • Most of my machines have Nvidia GPUs and wayland doesn't work on those (different interface)
  • Some applications I absolutely need which are not running under wayland
First impressions : way more complex than DWM to understand...
None of special keys seems to be recognized. The `-a` option does not have effects...
And I do not find a step by step guide.
How I open a new windows with my terminal -st- ?
Why dmenu-wl never appears when Ctrl-P is hit...

The only interaction I found with keyboard is "Windows-l" that change the pointer with 3 dots (but do nothing)...
As with most things: It's certainly not for everybody.

There is a "getting started"-type of video available from the author which explains the default bindings.
As with most things: It's certainly not for everybody.

There is a "getting started"-type of video available from the author which explains the default bindings.
The 'getting started' start with a working Hikari. My pain points seems to be before hstarting Hikari : my keyboard and special keys are working ? (Only ctrl-l seem to interact with Hikari), why -a option do not start the process ...

So I start using Sway and I have a working desktop manager with dmenu-wl... so the s is not an issue with Wayland but with a lack of config for Hikari...
I liked it. I hated the hotkeys, and thus changed them.

Unfortunately, redshift (the port) only works in xorg, so I went back to xorg.