Other Alt key stops working with mouse in MCWM (libXCB WM)

My Alt keys as modify keys stop working with my mouse in MCWM for needed functions for moving and resizing windows. This isn't an issue with the Win key and the mouse. Restarting my window manager fixes this problem, however, I wish this step weren't necessary.

The Alt key still works with keyboard functions like changing TTY displays, just not with the mouse in the MCWM window manager. I've checked the keycode's and keysym's with xev, and the they match each Alt key whether they are fully functioning or not.
  • Alt_L symcode 0xffe9 and keycode 64
  • Alt_R symcode 0xffea and keycode 108
I've tried loading and unloading ums, hms, wmt, hsctrl and usbhid with kld commands, but it didn't fix the problem.

Is there any way to fix this without restarting my window manager? thank you

I've compiled MCWM to use the win key as the (special) modify key for mouse functions before, and that has worked without problems in the past. I rather have a simpler way, with a key which always works by default. pkg info -D mcwm gives:
You can define your own custom config with
MCWM_CONF=/path/to/mcwm/config.h or you can use
flags for basic configuration.

See man mcwm(1) for details.

I've also come across Thread alt-key-stopped-working-then-working-again.7935 but that seems to be a bit different. Maybe the problem could be specific to this and other window managers which use libXCB. If you have a similar issue with another libXCB window manager, also continue with it on this thread.