I have 3rd party build Makefile for embedded application.
The application "progress / results " is via the embedded hadrware ( I temporary do not have ) , not to "stadard" terminal / console.
For software development / debugging I like to add ability to either do standard C "printf" or C++"cout".
I do not need the app to physically run, just be able to debug my code.
I am little familiar with Make, but could use some assistance.
Here are the notes I have in Makefile
TRGT = arm-none-eabi-
CC = $(TRGT)gcc
CPPC = $(TRGT)g++
?? is this th correct way to enable C++ ???
# Enable loading with g++ only if you need C++ runtime support.
# NOTE: You can use C++ even without C++ support if you are careful. C++
# runtime support makes code size explode.
LD = $(TRGT)gcc
ifeq ($(DEBUG),yes)
$(info Information add use g++ here )
LD = $(TRGT)g++
CP = $(TRGT)objcopy
I "enabled" (via DEBUG ) LD = $(TRGT)g++, but my build process still cannot find #include <iostream>.
I am lost.
I understand that this forum is not specifically about make / makefile - but I need to modify Makefile
before I can run the C/C++ code.
My appology if I am off base with my post.
The application "progress / results " is via the embedded hadrware ( I temporary do not have ) , not to "stadard" terminal / console.
For software development / debugging I like to add ability to either do standard C "printf" or C++"cout".
I do not need the app to physically run, just be able to debug my code.
I am little familiar with Make, but could use some assistance.
Here are the notes I have in Makefile
TRGT = arm-none-eabi-
CC = $(TRGT)gcc
CPPC = $(TRGT)g++
?? is this th correct way to enable C++ ???
# Enable loading with g++ only if you need C++ runtime support.
# NOTE: You can use C++ even without C++ support if you are careful. C++
# runtime support makes code size explode.
LD = $(TRGT)gcc
ifeq ($(DEBUG),yes)
$(info Information add use g++ here )
LD = $(TRGT)g++
CP = $(TRGT)objcopy
I "enabled" (via DEBUG ) LD = $(TRGT)g++, but my build process still cannot find #include <iostream>.
I am lost.
I understand that this forum is not specifically about make / makefile - but I need to modify Makefile
before I can run the C/C++ code.
My appology if I am off base with my post.