Hi there, as summary states, I can't start compositor because seatd is not able to open drm.
For the sake of testing I'm trying to see if I can start anything with cage compositor and here is the output
The display I'm trying to use is recognized as fb0 so if I understand it correctly it is a generic framebuffer?
Did anybody tried to make wayland work on raspberry pi? Would appreciate the input.
For the sake of testing I'm trying to see if I can start anything with cage compositor and here is the output
# seatd-launch -- cage qutebrowser
00:00:00.000 [seatd/seat.c:39] Created VT-bound seat seat0
00:00:00.000 [seatd/seatd.c:194] seatd started
00:00:00.057 [seatd/server.c:146] New client connected (pid: 4926, uid: 0, gid: 0)
00:00:00.057 [seatd/seat.c:170] Added client 1 to seat0
00:00:00.057 [seatd/seat.c:480] Opened client 1 on seat0
00:00:10.023 [backend/backend.c:217] Found 0 GPUs, cannot create backend
00:00:10.023 [backend/backend.c:390] Failed to open any DRM device
00:00:10.079 [seatd/seat.c:418] No clients on seat0 to activate
00:00:10.080 [seatd/seat.c:524] Closed client 1 on seat0
00:00:10.080 [seatd/seat.c:192] Removed client 1 from seat0
00:00:10.080 [seatd/client.c:471] Client disconnected
00:00:10.024 [../cage.c:315] Unable to create the wlroots backend
00:00:10.087 [seatd/seatd.c:218] seatd stopped
The display I'm trying to use is recognized as fb0 so if I understand it correctly it is a generic framebuffer?
Did anybody tried to make wayland work on raspberry pi? Would appreciate the input.