A Bluetooth Control Manager with GUI (early release)

The code is early release, if it wasn't winter, I'd possibly be able to finish it.

In it's early release state, it will run on xorg, or wayland, I tested it tonight on my FreeBSD 14.2-RELEASE install

It correctly identified the ubt of my qdelix 5k, and modified /etc/bluetooth/hosts with the following:
98:8e:79:00:e9:43 Unnamed_Device_(98:8e:79:00:e9:43)

This code has assumptions, don't we all, it assumes that you can open a terminal and get results like this

% hccontrol -n ubt0hci inquiry
Inquiry result, num_responses=1
Inquiry result #0
BD_ADDR: 00:80:37:29:19:a4
Page Scan Rep. Mode: 0x1<br>
Page Scan Period Mode: 00<br>
Page Scan Mode: 00<br>
Class: 52:02:04<br>
Clock offset: 0x78ef
Inquiry complete. Status: No error [00]

Then this code in it's current state will speed up your Bluetooth connections

It is available at
I should include more information... You must have Bluetooth installed, and be able to run hccontrol -n ubt0hci inquiry and get a response. You need to configure sudo for the user, it will work with audio devices only
To test it, download from github, at a terminal enter
python3 ./bluetooth_connector.py, when it opens it opens quickly on my Dell Precision 7550 in a blink of the eye