Solved 11-CURRENT boots to single-user with fdescfs/linprocfs in fstab

I'm pretty new to FreeBSD, so this may be something really simple... If I uncomment the fdescfs and linprocfs entries in fstab (see below), I get dumped to single-user mode on boot.

# Device     Mountpoint   FStype   Options     Dump   Pass#
/dev/ada0p3.eli     none   swap   sw     0   0
/dev/ada1p3.eli     none   swap   sw     0   0

# fdescfs       /dev/fd       fdescfs     rw   0   0
proc       /proc       procfs     rw   0   0
# linprocfs     /compat/linux/proc   linprocfs   rw   0   0

After commenting those lines and booting to multi-user mode, though, I can:

sudo mount -t fdescfs fdesc /dev/fd
sudo mount -t linprocfs linprocfs /compat/linux/proc

I see no output to STDOUT or STDERR, and df -h shows the mounts as below:

Filesystem  Size  Used  Avail Capacity  Mounted on
zroot/ROOT/default  1.7T  4.1G  1.7T  0%  /
devfs  1.0K  1.0K  0B  100%  /dev
procfs  4.0K  4.0K  0B  100%  /proc
bootpool  1.9G  483M  1.4G  25%  /bootpool
zroot/tmp  1.7T  424K  1.7T  0%  /tmp
zroot/usr/home  1.7T  23G  1.7T  1%  /usr/home
zroot/usr/ports  1.7T  2.3G  1.7T  0%  /usr/ports
zroot/usr/src  1.7T  570M  1.7T  0%  /usr/src
zroot/var/audit  1.7T  96K  1.7T  0%  /var/audit
zroot/var/crash  1.7T  96K  1.7T  0%  /var/crash
zroot/var/log  1.7T  380K  1.7T  0%  /var/log
zroot/var/mail  1.7T  136K  1.7T  0%  /var/mail
zroot/var/tmp  1.7T  104K  1.7T  0%  /var/tmp
zroot  1.7T  96K  1.7T  0%  /zroot
fdescfs  1.0K  1.0K  0B  100%  /dev/fd
linprocfs  4.0K  4.0K  0B  100%  /compat/linux/proc

Can someone help me understand what the problem is? TIA...

linprocfs(4) and fdescfs(4) are probably not loaded. FreeBSD drops to single user mode because it cannot do this automatically for you, your bootpool (where the kernel modules live) might no be mounted at that stage. In multi-user mode everything is mounted and the modules will be loaded automatically.

Loading the modules in /boot/loader.conf should fix this:
11-CURRENT is the development version of FreeBSD. You might want to try the latest stable version instead (FreeBSD 10.2), especially if you're new to FreeBSD.

linprocfs(4) and fdescfs(4) are probably not loaded. FreeBSD drops to single user mode because it cannot do this automatically for you, your bootpool (where the kernel modules live) might no be mounted at that stage. In multi-user mode everything is mounted and the modules will be loaded automatically.

Loading the modules in /boot/loader.conf should fix this:
11-CURRENT is the development version of FreeBSD. You might want to try the latest stable version instead (FreeBSD 10.2), especially if you're new to FreeBSD.

Thank you for the useful answer. That did the trick.
Keep in mind that -CURRENT is the development version of FreeBSD. It is assumed you know how things work and are able to solve issues yourself. It is not the "latest" version and it should really only be used by developers and/or experienced users.
Keep in mind that -CURRENT is the development version of FreeBSD. It is assumed you know how things work and are able to solve issues yourself. It is not the "latest" version and it should really only be used by developers and/or experienced users.

Thank you. As a long-time Linux user, occasional desktop *BSD dabbler, and administrator of a pfSense firewall, this isn't an entirely new world for me -- though the *BSDs are very different in some ways from Linux and from each other. I only resort to forum posts when the almighty google and/or manpages fail me.

Would an IRC channel be a more appropriate place for me to find folks who are both willing and able to provide input about -CURRENT?
Thank you. As a long-time Linux user, occasional desktop *BSD dabbler, and administrator of a pfSense firewall, this isn't an entirely new world for me -- though the *BSDs are very different in some ways from Linux and from each other. I only resort to forum posts when the almighty google and/or manpages fail me.

Would an IRC channel be a more appropriate place for me to find folks who are both willing and able to provide input about -CURRENT?
