
  1. SoBe

    (Apple M1) startx will not run driver error

    Can you please help? I am using UTM on the Apple M1 I get the following error when I attempt to start startx. AddScreen/ScreenINT failed for driver 0 pkg install drm-kmod does not work Anyone know what graphics driver I should be using?
  2. byrnejb

    Solved vim / gvim Unable to open GUI

    I log on to a publicly exposed sshd service using ssh -Xt -2 -p $SSHPORT $SSHUSERID@$SSHHOST.$SSHTLD from a MacBook terminal utility. The sshd service is running in a Freebsd-13 jail. Usually, once I am logged on I can run gvim and get an XQuartz editing window on my MacBook. However...