
  1. D

    bhyve x86 Linux guest hangs

    I've tried a x86_64 guest Linux on Bhyve and it works. But x86 guest hangs at the virtio-blk message from the Linux kernel during boot. Might anyone know the reason for this? This's my guest bootstrapper: grub-bhyve -m device.map -r cd0 -M 196M -S linuxguest bhyve -AHPDHwS -c 1 -m 196M -l...
  2. P

    energy efficient x86, 64bit, >4GB RAM (, Arduino interface) SBC

    Hello, I am planning to build a 7/24 home NAS with emphasis on low power consumption, low (preferably zero) noise with 2x3.5" SATA HDDs but I could accept 2.5". The OS choice is not final yet it could be any of FreeNAS, OpenMediaVault, OpenBSD, NAS4free, TrueNAS, TrueOS. I know it is many but I...
  3. S

    Other GDB tui mode does not work

    Good afternoon! I used the small program for nasm x86 section .data hello: db 'Hello world!',10 ; 'Hello world!' plus a linefeed character helloLen: equ $-hello ; Length of the 'Hello world!' string ; (I'll explain soon) section .text...