
  1. BaronBS

    general/other virt-host-validate don't recognize if_tap module

    I want to tryout virt-manager with bhyve. But it doesn't recognize the if_tap module. {beastie} @ FreeBaSeD-T430 > /home/beastie → kldstat -v | grep if 398 if_lo 402 if_vlan 401 if_tap 400 if_tun 399 if_tuntap 397 if_gif 99...
  2. aragats

    vmm_load="YES" doesn't work anymore?

    Am I missing anything? The module vmm.ko is not loaded with vmm_load="YES" in /boot/loader.conf. I have to load it manually. This used to work for ages, not sure when it's stopped – I restart my workstation really rarely.