
  1. mehdi

    How does a UPS work?

    Is my understanding correct that a UPS can be configured to shut down a connected server in a safe manner in the event of a power outage? Is it such a functionality that the Operating System should implement it? Which UPS do you use with FreeBSD, and how does everything work in your environment...
  2. M

    Solved dummy-ups polling with nut declares UPS dead

    I have a UPS for which there is no out-of-the-box sysutils/nut driver. nut, however, provides the excellent dummy-ups driver, which, according to the documentation, reads the state of the pseudo-UPS from a freely configurable file, and reports that to nut_upsmon. From upsmon.conf man page, The...
  3. Gridsah

    How to wake FreeBSD 13.2 on usb console cable? (UPS and NUT are used)

    I have a HPE microserver Gen10 server running FreeBSD13.2 and a APC bk650M2 ch UPS which offers a rj45 to usb cable to connect to my Gen10. NUT 2.8.0 installed by pkg running on Gen10 works well: - system poweroff works well when power is outage and battery.charge is lower than...
  4. Gridsah

    How to wake FreeBSD 13.2 on usb console cable? (UPS and NUT are used)

    I have a HPE microserver Gen10 server running FreeBSD13.2 and a APC bk650M2 ch UPS which offers a rj45 to usb cable to connect to my Gen10. NUT 2.8.0 installed by pkg running on Gen10 works well: - system poweroff works well when power is outage and battery.charge is lower than...
  5. K

    Solved can't get nut 2.8.0 to find usb devices on FreeBSD 13.1p5

    Hi, I have a TrippLIte ECO550 UPS that has been working with nut for years. Recently something must have changed in the USB support, perhaps with the FreeBSD upgrades. Now in dmesg -a I see ... Setting date via ntp. 3 Apr 17:09:43 ntpdate[1033]: step time server offset...
  6. R

    APC usb connection STALLED only on boot

    Hello. My system is: 13.0 running on Dell r720xd. APC ups connected via usb cable. During boot this device always fail to init: uhub4 numa-domain 0 on uhub2 uhub4: <vendor 0x0424 product 0x2512, class 9/0, rev 2.00/b.b3, addr 3> on usbus0 uhub4: MTT enabled uhub4: 1 port with 1 removable, self...
  7. gpw928

    Experience with nut

    I have now installed and configured sysutils/nut on FreeBSD. It's a UPS management package. It took some effort, but was worthwhile, as I got exactly what I wanted in the end. Some of the sentiment I tripped across while doing the research was that sysutils/apcupsd (which does a similar...
  8. 1

    Alternative to Network UPS Tools (NUT)?

    Is there an alternative to Network UPS Tools (NUT) for stand-alone systems? Unless I read incorrectly, the minimum configuration for upsd [1] for a single system involves upsd listening on the loopback address and configuring a username/password for upsmon. I understand why these features make...
  9. nerozero

    Monitoring TrippLite UPS

    Hello, I got "TrippLite SmartPro 230V" UPS is there anything I can get status from it via USB HID or Serial? something like apcupsd ? Thanks