
  1. H

    An encrypted system (with multiple partitions) using UFS filesystems

    I am trying to setup an encrypted UFS-based desktop system with 14.2-RELEASE by doing partitioning and encryption by hand in shell before running the installer. I am not at all interested in using ZFS for a variety of reasons, including the fact that I have a single disk and my automated...
  2. gimonchik

    UFS input/output error

    when I try to delete a file, I get an Input/output error. i tried to use dd and recoverdisk root@gimonchik:/home/gimonchik # dd if=/dev/nvme0ns1 of=/dev/null bs=1m dd: /dev/nvme0ns1: Input/output error 244198+0 records in 244198+0 records out 256060162048 bytes transferred in 198.555689 secs...
  3. H

    Need advice regarding a workstation for writing and data analysis

    Hello: I am a long term Unix/Linux user. Used HP-UX briefly in school for a year, followed by 13 years of Linux (Redhat/Slackware/Debian), including about 4-5 years with Sun SPARC Solaris, followed by about 11 years on Mac OSX, followed by Linux again (mainly Debian) for about 5 years...
  4. A

    UFS UFS file system with/without journaling. Which is better?

    Hello! Got question about using UFS with/without: What is better to use in production with or without journalling? What will be if it's switched off for the long term usage?
  5. H

    Solved FreeBSD 14.1 hanging with encrypted rootfs UFS/GELI/BIOS

    I'm a little puzzled getting UFS going with GELI. I used to have good luck with this. I mostly followed this guide: https://web.archive.org/web/20200202070221/https://daemon-notes.com/articles/system/encryption I reboot, get prompted for my key. Enter my key and it hangs. Looks something like...
  6. P

    Solved [HELP] Unable to install FreeBSD with encrypted root (GELI/UFS)

    Apologies if the title was vague, I'll try my best to explain. I'm new to the UNIX booting process and the components of such systems at this level. Resources I'm using: https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/command-line-manual-installation-how-to-with-video-if-needed.83934/...
  7. mehdi

    UFS Partition labels during Installation

    During installation, you have the option to give your partitions a label. I can't find them. I looked in /etc/fstab . There isn't a /dev/label or /dev/gpt directory. Any Idea?
  8. J

    UFS device busy trying to remove partition

    The situation is the following: # lsblk DEVICE MAJ:MIN SIZE TYPE LABEL MOUNT da0 0:92 36G GPT - - <FREE> -:- 33M - - - da0p3 0:95 1.0G freebsd-swap gpt/swapfs - <FREE> -:- 37G -...
  9. Young

    ZFS [HOW-TO] UFS to ZFS on a Live System

    Since there is no tutorial how to migrate a UFS installation to ZFS, I'll give my 5-cent contribution. Done this procedure yesterday at my home server that I run several services like Nginx + PHP, Samba, Transmission, Plex, Bhyve VM's, etc. You'll need a new disk that can hold all your data...
  10. apprentice

    UFS How to correctly align the SSD?

    I'm having a lot of trouble understanding and calculating the alignment. OBJECTIVE: Know how to calculate the alignment for my HD, So I can align my HDs on my Laptop, 2 Nvme and 1 SSD, They are different brands and different sizes Problem 1: How do I create a partition table with 4096 byte...
  11. apprentice

    How to mount ext4 correctly on FreeBSD?

    Consulting google, chatgpt, forum, I was very worried about losing 1TB of data that I cannot lose. All I want to do is bring the data from a Linux ext4 partition to another disk on FreeBSD UFS. I read in several places that I should use fusefs-ext4fuse, So I prepare myself, I try to understand...
  12. LibreQuest

    Solved ZFS failing to find zroot default with USB disks

    I have a Sabrent 4 disk dock with spinning disks and ssds for game storage on my system. When I have the dock turned on at boot the boot fails. I initially, per the handbook, had all drives in fstab. I have since removed them and created a mount script to load after boot. Is there a way that I...
  13. B

    UFS FreeNAS EFI GPT Hard drive partition issues

    Hello there, long time lurker, but haven't posted. seems I've found what I needed to survive for 15 years until this day. I have an interesting situation that I've trying to resolve.... I have a hard drive (4Tb) that has a lot of important content on it I was using on a FreeNAS (NAS4free)...
  14. B

    Solved How To Dual Boot Windows 11 and FreeBSD 14 (GELI Encrypted ZFS Root + UFS Boot Drive)

    Introduction: This is a guide on how to dual boot windows 11 and FreeBSD 14. I recently received a fantastic laptop that happens to be surprisingly compatible with FreeBSD, so I highly recommend it, and no, I am not sponsored by MSI; I have merely fought enough laptops to recognize a keeper when...
  15. L

    Is full disk encryption with UFS possible?

    I'm sure you are going to say "YES" but please not so fast. 1. When installing FreeBSD 14.0, I am offered the choice between ZFS and UFS. If I select ZFS, the option to encrypt is there, very clear, impossible to miss. If I select UFS though, encryption is never mentioned at all. Does FreeBSD...
  16. Hornpipe2

    UFS newfs -j: "Journal file fragmented"

    I have a 300gb external HDD that I am trying to partition entirely for FreeBSD, then format with UFS filesystem. I am using newfs -j option to enable Soft Updates + Journal, but getting the warning message "Journal file fragmented" after the format is complete. # gpart show /dev/da0 =>...
  17. RevennaFox

    UFS Best way to recover (very) recently deleted files on UFS?

    I have a situation where a user accidentally deleted all of the photos in a directory and its sub-directories, ironically to save some space in preparation for a backup. (Helpful hint: Wise Duplicate File Remover apparently removes the originals along with the duplicates). The photos in question...
  18. B

    Solved Why use zfs when ufs will do ?

    I've been happily using 13.2-RELEASE for a while, with ufs filesystem Now planning to setup a fresh14.0 system on some old~ish hardwares, likely a combination of modest SSD and a single spinning drive. 14.0 system will just be used for a simple desktop, and various small projects. Most likely I...
  19. hbsd


    I've been facing a problem for a while. My system sometimes suddenly reboots by itself. I thought my surge protector was ruined and bought another one. But finally I found out that FreeBSD file system is corrupted. This happened to me so many times and it was really annoying. I (almost) solved...
  20. Abdelilah

    Solved I can't expand my root partition

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to expand my root partition but can't do it, I tried gpart, I also tried deleting the swap partition and adding more space, here is the result : root@appserver:~ # gpart show => 63 83886017 ada0 MBR (40G) 63 1 - free - (512B) 64...