
  1. I

    Other Adventures in remote attached storage

    Hi everyone, I just recently joined the freeBSD club and I really appreciate many features and the structure of the OS itself. But this post isn't supposed to be a diary entry of why I switched to it on one of my servers or any ramblings of the sort. Who would want to read that anyway, right...
  2. Sheekamoo

    Mount samba shares with 777 permissions?

    I'm trying to mount a samba share with 777 permissions but I can't seem to get this working. I can get my share to mount using both fstab and autofs, but the permissions out of the box are 755. Here's an example from my fstab file: //username@SERVER/DATA /mnt/DATA smbfs...
  3. L

    smbfs and semi-colon, very old bug

    I see that this problem reported almost 7 years ago has still not been corrected in the base FreeBSD 10.3. I find no additional discussion...