screen lock

  1. john_rambo

    Solved How do I lock my screen ? || 13.0-RELEASE-p7 || XFCE

    I am using 13.0-RELEASE-p7 / XFCE. I am looking for an easy way to lock my screen for times when I am taking a break from work. My first choice is to create an icon on the desktop clicking on which will lock the screen. If that's not possible I will type a command in the terminal. When I was...
  2. H

    Screen lock broken after waking up form suspend

    I'm using FreeBSD 13 with KDE on a Thinkpad T460. When I wake up the laptop from suspend by opening the lid, I briefly see the login screen, before the screen goes fully black with a message saying: "Screen lock is broken" then something to the extend that I should switch to a different VT to...