
  1. PMc

    How can Dart-language apps run on native BSD?

    We have one crazy thread here, about 32-bit support. Being that one justified or not, in any case there would be the need of some workforce to keep 32-bit up and running. But then, dropping it might palliate the symptoms, it will probably not cure the malady. I read another text here, and I...
  2. neogeo

    Questions when using distfile groups in a port - MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR not being applied?

    Hello, all, I'm working on trying to update the earlier lang/rubinius port, beginning at the last port revision available from before the port was deleted from the active ports tree, updating that to v5.0 from rubinius at github. When using all of the upstream build files, it seems that the...
  3. l33tname

    How does a plist work

    I am trying to update the ruby-gems port to a version which works with ruby 3.0 but I struggle with the plist. According to check-plist i have extra files in my STAGEDIR ===> Checking for items in STAGEDIR missing from pkg-plist Error: Orphaned...
  4. daBee

    Updating Passenger

    Hi folks. I'd like to update Passenger, but it's tripping over another port that apparently isn't needed anymore. The port is rubygem-passenger upon nginx, installed separately. But then this happens: ===> Installing for automake-1.16.1 ===> Checking if automake already installed ===>...
  5. N

    looking for old ports/packages

    Hi, I am looking for following version ports cmake-3.7.2 cmake-modules-3.7.2 git-2.12.1 sqlite3-3.18.0 ruby21-2.1.10_1,1 rsync-3.1.2_6 Above listed ports are not available on I checked all releases and quarterly folders but same version ports are not...
  6. P

    Solved Remote execution via Ruby-SSH starts different shell

    Hello, we are using net/ssh in Ruby to execute scripts on a FreeBSD machine, in order to do some checks for Nagios. Actually it is a brand new Pfsense applicance. The code is roughly the following: Net::SSH.start(@host, @user, {:password=>@pass}) do |ssh| erg=ssh.exec! "ls -al" p erg end...
  7. A

    Requesting Assistance with Gitlab Port

    Hello, I have installed a Gitlab instance on FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE through the ports tree. While basic features are functional, there are a few errors which I am unable to resolve. I have searched online regarding the various issues but I have not been able to find any solutions. I have...
  8. noodlefling

    ruby fails to install

    I'm without port-mgmt/portupgrade right now because all version of lang/ruby are failing to install. The error always looks something like this: install -m 0644 /usr/ports/lang/ruby23/work/ruby-2.3.3/ext/bigdecimal/sample/*.rb...