
  1. K

    FreeBSD on ZFS without Boot and Swap.

    Hi! First of all, I am complete newbie in FreeBSD. I would like to install FreeBSD on ZFS. Modern installer have everything to install FreeBSD on ZFS without any problems, but I have a one "Ideafix", if you know what I mean. I want to remove Boot and Swap partitions from ZFS pool(RAIDZ1) and...
  2. M

    ZFS Undo offlining of a RAIDZ1 drive (without rebuild)?

    I run an old HP N40L XigmaNAS box with a RAIDZ1 consisting of 3 WD Red 4TB drives. The ada1 drive showed some SMART errors, so I decided to replace that drive. Setting the drive offline, the pool showed the status "DEGRADED" as expected. But after shutting down the system and replacing that...
  3. JMOR

    ZFS Performance: RAIDz1 vs mirroring

    In my home PC, one of my two HDD that I have in (btrfs) RAID 0 failed. So, I am shopping for the replacement. I am planning to install FreeBSD (zfs) and set up RAIDZ (buying 3 SSDs). Now, I am reading everywhere that mirroring 2 disks (1 vdev per disk) is faster than RAIDz1 with 3 disks. And it...
  4. LVLouisCyphre

    ZFS Migration from RAIDZ1 to RAIDZ2; is it possible?

    I've tried some basic searches for this. I haven't found a concrete answer. What I want to be able to do is do a base install as RAIDZ1 then drop another identical drive in and convert or resilver the array to a RAIDZ2. Feasible or fool's journey? If it's feasible; how do you do it? ZFS...
  5. B

    ZFS Help me understand raidz1-1

    Hi I am a Data Recovery engineer and this is my first post here and also the first time I work on raidz, I got a customer needs to recover data from damaged NAS storage with 36 hard drives. I have a good experience recovering data from Other types of raid like 5, 10 etc, but this is my first...
  6. U

    Solved Fresh install, zfs i/o error - all block copies unavailable

    Fresh install, Encrypted raidz, 5 disks. Boot fails at error: zfs i/o error - all block copies unavailable What could cause this? I've reinstalled several times and same fault every time. FreeBSD has worked before with this same computer. Booted up with Ubuntu-live and disks seems to be OK.
  7. U

    Solved Create first raidz or encryption?

    I'm trying to create encrypted raidz, but how? If I understand correctly, I need to encrypt every disk before creating zpool, like this: % sudo gpart add -t...
  8. D

    ZFS Replacing entire pool?

    I would like to replace all 3 spinning drives of a raidz pool with (smaller) SSDs: the smaller SSDs will still be more than adequate for my storage needs, and should be significantly faster. The system has a limited number of SATA ports (4): 1 is in use for the system drive (which is already an...
  9. S

    ZFS: i/o error - all block copies unavailable

    Followed this tutorial on my machine with four disk. shows following error File /boot/loader not found