
  1. B

    Nvida Drivers Not Detected? I May Be Stuck In a Frame Buffer

    Now by now I have learned my lesson NEVER to buy a laptop with an Nvidia graphics but I am stuck with this for now. So I am running a Dell Precision 7510 with an Nvida Quadro M1000M. I am using the 535 driver. I installed it through pkg. I have some issues that I believe are mostly connected...
  2. V

    Picom(any fork) make xorg slow

    i've follows the guides refered on this post https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/how-to-setup-a-microphone-correctly-freebsd.82804/#post-540436 for setup my pc but now i have the problem that picom is really hunger with system recurses and instead of improving gpu acceleration makes it worse...
  3. christhegeek

    Solved If someone knows how to increase picom blur strength

    If someone knows how to increase picom blur strength Unfortunately i can use only kernel blur method i have selected blur-kern = "5x5box"; Are there any parameters i can give to increase the blur strength ? By the way this parameter blur-strength doesn't seems to do anything
  4. christhegeek

    Is it possible to port bspwm-rounded-corners and picom with blur effects ?

    Is it possible to port bspwm-rounded-corners and picom with blur effects ? https://github.com/j-james/bspwm-rounded-corners https://github.com/yshui/picom Tried to compile bspwm-rounded-corners misses some dev libraries which I don't know if they are available on FreeBSD. Tried to search for...