
  1. loureir-or-not

    Black screen on amdgpu kernel module

    Hey there! I have been toying with the 14.2 as of recent on some machines, and something which striked me is that I get a black screen when loading the amdgpu kmod. This is known even in the errata, and there was a solution... but I still only get to a black screen even after installing...
  2. Cath O'Deray

    Solved XenForo: allow seeking three-character strings

    A question for the XenForo service administrators here. Please, can you enable support for three-character strings? I'm on my knees. Begging. Thanks (… and NB, for all readers, the question here is XenForo feature-specific, so Google is not an answer; neither is DuckDuckGo … and so on)...