
  1. gessel

    Solved Optane M.2 nvme 4k format failing with error

    I have (a pair of) INTEL SSDPEL1K100GA Intel® Optane™ SSD DC P4801X Series (100GB, M.2 110MM PCIe x4, 3D XPoint™), pretty cool little devices and tragic that Intel dropped the Optane project. My system is running FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE-p3 GENERIC amd64 on HP/Intel. The cards are installed in a...
  2. F

    Solved Trouble formatting 128Gb USB Memory as multiple partitions.

    I've inserted a 128Gb USB Memory Stick and destroyed the previous formatting with gpart destroy -F /dev/da0 I want to create 4 off 30Gb FAT32 partitions, so I then rebuilt the structure: gpart create -s mbr /dev/da0 gpart add -s 30G -t fat32 /dev/da0 gpart add -s 30G -t fat32 /dev/da1 gpart...
  3. senenmut

    Other newfs on USB with the real Unix format ?

    hi. a simple question. have a da2 dev mounted on freebsd 64 bit. in the past i formated usb with msdos like this. newfs_msdos da2 that works. but i don't want to use msdos or FAT32 anymore on BSD. but i would like to use a pure unix format to work with my usb flash drives. perhaps...
  4. T

    One thread - formatting messed up

    Haven't seen this before, one specific thread has "side-by-side" formatting of posts. Screenshot: (it looks the same in Chromium too).