
  1. nxjoseph

    Solved Porting electron app fails with error code 1 without any clear info

    Hi. I am trying to port ytDownloader to FreeBSD. I am getting error code 1 without any given information. In old version of that WIP port, it was not giving a error like this. You can find old port in 279372 I attached port directory as a zip and log of make. How can we analyze the problem...
  2. Cath O'Deray

    Electron – devel/electron29 and greater

    For reference https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/electron-for-freebsd.64103/ devel/electron28 is deprecated, will expire at the end of this month. devel/electron29 alone is packaged by the FreeBSD Project. Ports that require devel/electron30 include: editors/vscode – Code - OSS...
  3. I

    Solved Is electron having build issues again? Signal messaging app missing from latest pkgs.

    As the title asks. Is Electron having compile issues again? I've noticed for the past few weeks that Signal is no longer in the repo. If this is the case, is there an actual, portable Electron alternative that works 1:1? Like MariaDB is to MySQL (although that's just a MySQL comparable server...
  4. X

    Missing shared library (libffmpeg.so) while running Electron App (LBRY-Desktop) on Linuxulator

    I'm working on running an Electron Linux App on FreeBSD, namly lbry-desktop, https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-desktop/. I did this 1. download https://github.com/mrclksr/linux-browser-installer 2. run from FreeBSD > sudo ./linux-browser-installer chroot create > sudo chroot /compat/ubuntu/...