
  1. scotia

    Is it possible to change the ports config dialog colours?

    Howdy, I used to have a custom .dlalogrc that changed the ports config dialog colours, but I get the feeling that /usr/bin/dialog isn't used any more by ports (maybe?). The man page for ports-mgmt/portconfig tells me I can use NO_COLOR=1 which is an improvement (for me), but is there a way to...
  2. Y

    Solved Fresh installation - can't build pkg from ports

    I have a fresh installation of FreeBSD 13.0-Release on a machine without internet connection. Some time ago, to install pkg, I would enter "/usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg" and call "make" to build it. However, now I am getting the following errors: In other words, to build "pkg" from ports, it...