
  1. B

    Solved Running a rc.d script as another user

    Hello, I am trying to set up a daemon for onedrive. It needs to be run as a specific user, because onedrive has to read the authentication token from the user home directory, and then synchronize into that directory. However, ${onedrived_user="borysj"} does not do the trick. I see that the...
  2. Ishayahu

    Solved Creating service: problem with pid & output redirection

    I created a service: #!/bin/sh # PROVIDE: reklama # REQUIRE: DAEMON # KEYWORD: shutdown . /etc/rc.subr name="reklama" rcvar=reklama_enable start_cmd="${name}_start" pidfile="/var/run/${name}.pid" reklama_start() { /usr/local/bin/mpg123 -a /dev/dsp4.0 --loop -1...
  3. vienuolis

    Sendmail is not running

    Sorry for the possibly silly question: why Sendmail stopped working as a service daemon — is that mode of operation OK? Sendmail (MTA) with Cyrus (MDA) both continue to serve email properly, at least I don't notice any glitches nor warnings in the maillog. Apart from the frustrating answer...
  4. C

    ntpd SIGSEGV on 13.0-p5

    Has anybody gotten ntpd to correctly work on a recent fresh install? I'm on stock kernel, fully patched, ntpdate works but any variation of ntpd just segfaults: root@svc1:~ # ntpd -I -n -c /etc/ntp.conf 7 Jan 10:33:35 ntpd[22262]: ntpd 4.2.8p15-a (1): Starting 7 Jan 10:33:35...
  5. A

    Solved Rc.d daemon as user (emacs)

    Emacs can be run as a daemon using a flag: emacs --daemon. Then, all subsequent calls of emacsclient should connect to the server, saving startup time. FreeBSD's Emacs package doesn't seem to include any rc.d scripts so it's up to the user to procure one and that's what I'm trying to do. I...
  6. DaLynX

    Solved daemon not killing (grand)child process on service stop

    Hello, I tried to follow this tutorial to make a rc.d script for a program I would like to run as a service in one of my jails (In this case, a keycloak server - installed manually since it is not available as a port/package yet.)...
  7. J

    Service runs with su, not with daemon

    Greetings, Hopefully I am posting in the right place, if not please let me know! The goal is to run a python framework (odoo) as a service via daemon inside a jail. The topology is as follows: [Internet] --> [Host] -- (pf)--> [Jail with HAProxy] --> [Jail with Odoo] For reference, I am using...
  8. PacketMan

    More cryptocoin daemon ports/pkgs

    I have net-p2p/litecoin-daemon installed on one of my machines, and its running full node to the Litecoin network. Then I took a Litcoin app for android and configured it to tether off my full node. Would be nice if there were more ports/packages built for cryptocoin daemons; like dogecoin...
  9. Hornpipe2

    Solved rc.d + pidfile + ${name}_user = permission errors?

    I'm trying to create an rc.d script for an existing port (games/ioquake3-server), which will allow it to launch at system start, and be managed by the rc system. This software is "interactive" (opens a console on stdin for control), so I have to launch it using daemon instead to detach and keep...
  10. R

    Daemon users and login classes

    Hi folks, Many daemons create specific users for providing their services. Looking at /etc/rc.subr and specific scripts such as /usr/local/etc/rc.d/gitlab_runner I see that su -m $user is used to switch to the user. It appears that the use of -m will prevent any use of login classes and hence...
  11. T

    Python rc.d with daemon(8), python and virtualenv

    Hi, I'd like to create an rc.d script that uses daemon(8) to manage a python(3) script with dependencies from virtualenv (daemonization, logging and be automatically restarted on exit). I am not sure what's the right way to approach this. My initial version used the script as command...
  12. L

    Rsync group ownership using modules

    OK, I have a client (booker) and server (fourroses). I want to run a script on booker that uses rsync to copy files to fourroses and keep all user and group ownership attributes the same. I have had success maintaining file attributes running rsync in regular instead of daemon mode. But I...
  13. P

    Solved systemd alternative on FreeBSD

    I am currently using systemd for managing web applications (mainly written in GoLang and Ruby) as services on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04 and CentOS 7) and I am trying to port my web server configuration over to FreeBSD. My code runs fine on FreeBSD but I am not sure of how to manage the web application...
  14. U

    Auto-run process doesn't allow to login

    I has created startup script of launching java application. When OS is loading this app occupies the terminal and doesn't allow to login. I cant use OS after that. Alt+f1-8 doesn't work. I have a FreeBSD 11 only with root user and I don't need ssh access. Starting app as a daemon is not good...
  15. wuarapo

    Amule Daemon question

    Hello everybody, I had installed amuled and it is working fine. But when I change the amule user to don't use a login shell, the daemon do not start. I remember in other Linux distros Amule Daemon does not need a login shell. I don't know if it could be a possible security issue or what, but I...
  16. justrjlewis

    rc.d daemon not processing command flags

    I started working with a great web server called caddy and started working on an rc.d script to get it running as a service. I put together a script that mostly worked seen here. The bug in this original script was that the service would start on boot/reboot, but it didn’t play well with the...
  17. J

    Best way to automatically keep system, packages, and daemons up to date

    Hi, I'd like to know if you have a good way of keeping a system completely up to date in a completely automated way. If my understanding is correct, I can add 42 8 * * * freebsd-update cron in root's crontab to have the base system (I guess that means the kernel and the programs in /bin)...