cpu 100%

  1. O

    Squid very slow on FreeBSD 13.1, CPU 100%

    Hello, I have run Squid on FreeBSD since FreeBSD 10.x (not sure of the exact minor version) and everything was working perfectly well. During all this years, I have regularly updated Squid and FreeBSD. Currently I am using Squid 5.7 on FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p5 but had the same problem with...
  2. F

    CPU 100% Busy with fresh-install

    hello ! I got a KVM server from a hosting provider (i don't know if it's allowed to tell his name). I have 2 x CPU cores and 2 GB RAM but with any version of FreeBSD [fresh installed] my CPU it's 100% and for example when I compile KERNEL, it's about ~70% used. Any solution/idea ? Thanks !