
  1. D

    general/other cuda no longer works on blender or ffmpeg with nv-sglrun

    Hi, error with ffmpeg: $ nv-sglrun ffmpeg -i GOLDENEYE_t00.mkv -vcodec hevc_nvenc -acodec copy test.mkv hevc_nvenc @ 0xbd0cdade400] dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuInit(0) failed -> CUDA_ERROR_OPERATING_SYSTEM: OS call failed or operation not supported on this OS [vost#0:0/hevc_nvenc @ 0xbd0cda35380] Error...
  2. D

    Solved No UI text in Blender after building port

    I'm having an issue after building the graphics/blender port. Particularly I see no text at all, and when running in the terminal I get the following: blf_load_font_default: 'fonts' data path not found for 'droidsans.ttf', will not be able to display text blf_load_font_default: 'fonts' data...
  3. F

    AMD Ryzen7, Vega 3 OpenGL with hardware acceleration

    After a fresh FreeBSD installation, I was trying to run blender in the laptop and I noticed that just grabbing the default cube and trying to rotate around it performs really slow and sluggy/jumpy instead of making a smooth movement. This are the pkgs installed: #installed pkgs...
  4. sacviper

    Blender 2.80_3 Interface not working

    I just installed graphics/blender using pkg and i am getting interface artifacts I have attached screenshot please let me know what the problem is. I am using ATI Turks XT Radeon HD 6670. This fresh installation.
  5. NapoleonWils0n

    Solved Building Blender port with video editor enabled

    Hi All Although Blender is mainly used as a 3D creation suite it also has probably the best video editor available on linux or unix, and the closest thing i have found to final cut pro Unfortunately the video editor isnt enabled in the blender pkg, im not sure if its a licensing issue that...
  6. A

    Solved Blender, ImportError: No module named numpy, default version python

    Hi all, When in blender, I try to load an addon using numpy or to import numpy in the blender's console, and I get the following error : ImportError: No module named numpy But numpy was installed with blender. pkg info | grep numpy py27-numpy-1.11.0,1 The New Numeric Extension to...
  7. M

    Building (Blender) with OpenMP

    I've been trying to build blender with OpenMP. Here's what I got so far: 1.) Modify the makefile to include those features. # Only works, if everything else is compiled with the same compiler OPENMP_CMAKE_ON= -DWITH_OPENMP:BOOL=ON OPENMP_CMAKE_OFF= -DWITH_OPENMP:BOOL=OFF...