
  1. duncan_bayne

    bhyve Better approach for bhve networking + NFS?

    Hi, I'm virtualising my Linux development environment for $DAY_JOB using bhyve, vm-bhyve, and NAT. I expose files on the guest to the host using NFS, and edit those files on the host. Networking is via NAT on either Ethernet (on my desktop), or Wi-Fi (on my laptop). It's the latter that's...
  2. D

    bhyve Performance of windows 10 vm under virtualbox and bhyve

    I tried switching from virtualbox to bhyve (using vm-bhyve) for running a windows 10 vm and everything worked fine including audio input & output, good disk transfer and network speeds with virtio devices, etc. However, I could not manage to get the same performance that I get in virtualbox...
  3. NapoleonWils0n

    bhyve Invidious Youtube front end working in a Ubuntu Bhyve vm with Podman

    I have managed to get Invidious working in a Ubuntu Bhyve vm with Podman Are you fed up with Youtube showing you rubbish and just want to see the channels you have subscribed too The Invidious urls work with mpv and you can view the site using Emacs as well Invidious set up notes after the...
  4. NapoleonWils0n

    bhyve vm-bhyve Ubuntu 24.04 installed

    Ubuntu 24.04 installed with vm-bhyve after a bit of work install packages doas pkg install bhyve-firmware grub2-bhyve edk2-bhyve vm-bhyve-devel create the zfs datasets doas zfs create -o mountpoint=/vm zroot/vm doas...
  5. R

    bhyve bhyve cannot boot from raidz1

    Hello. I created new vm, here is config: vm config loader="bhyveload" cpu="6" memory="8G" network0_type="virtio-net" network0_switch="public" disk0_type="virtio-blk" disk0_name="disk0.img" disk1_type="virtio-blk" disk1_name="disk1.img" disk2_type="virtio-blk" disk2_name="disk2.img"...
  6. Franconian_Witchcraft

    bhyve Sharing folder with virtio-9p: poor performance

    Hi, I'd like to share my experience with folder sharing to a VM via virtio-9p. I've tried to use it on a home server: Host: FreeBSD 14.2 with vm-bhyve Guest: Debian 12.9 The guest runs a Lyrion music server and the music files are on the host in a ZFS dataset. So my idea was to use virtio-9p...
  7. V

    bhyve How to properly use the virtio_gpu driver in bhyve in a FreeBSD guest?

    Hello. Bhyve Host: FreeBSD 14.1 Guest: FreeBSD 14.2 (kernel built with "device virtio_gpu") What needs to be done to have a virtual GPU appear inside the guest on FreeBSD 14.2? Judging by this diagram, you need to install the virglrenderer package on the host. As a guest, as I understand it...
  8. V

    Other How to properly mount a directory via 9p (plan9) in the bhyve of a FreeBSD guest?

    Hello. Host: FreeBSD 14.1 bhyve guest: FreeBSD 14.1 How is it possible to mount a directory via 9p protocol in a freebsd guest? I'm using the vm-bhyve wrapper. The official vm-bhyve documentation says: VM guest conf: disk1_type="virtio-9p" disk1_name="cache=/var/cache/pkg/" disk1_dev="custom"...
  9. yom

    How to: gitlab-runner vm-bhyve executor

    Hope it can help some people in the same case.
  10. R

    jails Netgraph Part II with jail and bhyve examples

  11. gchalakov

    bhyve Boot a bhyve Windows VM from existing virtual drive.

    Hello, I am trying to create a Windows VM but I need to boot from my own file. Originally I had it in VHDX format, but using qemu-img I now have it in .img and .vhd formats as well. I managed to create a virtual machine which booted with the help of cbsd and this video FreeBSD: Bhyve with UEFI...
  12. NapoleonWils0n

    Solved bhyve bridge no route to host, what am i missing ?

    im following the handbook and trying to create a bhyve vm freebsd 14.1 p6 but i cant get the bridge to work and get no route to host with ping im using a lagg failover device with ethernet and wifi just...
  13. D

    bhyve bhyve and AlmaLinux 9.5

    Anyone having luck getting AlmaLinux 9.5 to run under bhyve on FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE-p5 using vm-bhyve 1.6? I had a 9.4 instance running fine (installed as a 9.3 about a year ago with a number of dnf upgrades in that time). Last upgrade was to go from 9.4 to 9.5 and that stopped working about a...
  14. A

    Unable to trace vtnet_tick() in remote gdb setup

    Hello all! I have set up the following environment: -d disk.img -t tap0 -G 1234 thevm Then I have moved to where I have the kernel compiled and ran gdb from there. In the VM, I have also run dtrace -n 'fbt:kernel:vtnet_tick:entry' And I can see that it fires regularly. The...
  15. D

    bhyve vCPUs during Windows installation on bhyve

    I came across this line on the wiki for Windows on bhyve, which I apparently forgot somewhere along the way... From Can somebody clarify the reason for this, and what the the failure mode looks like--what can occur if this rule is not followed? How...
  16. Freedom

    bhyve Homelab hypervisor and NFS setup pattern

    Hi, I am setting up a very simple FreeBSD hypervisor in my homelab mainly for learning purpose as I am new to FreeBSD, Bhyve and ZFS. - The host is pretty small: 12Gb of RAM and 500Gb of disk - I opted for a very simple setup for now: ZFS with one disk and one zpool (zroot). - I use vm-bhyve -...
  17. A

    How to debug kernel in bhyve?

    Hello, I am doing kernel development and would like to debug my version of the kernel. Can I do that with the help of debugger and bhyve, to run in a containerized environment? Thanks.
  18. P

    bhyve How to create a "USB VM" like "sys-usb" in Qubes OS?

    I understand that this might not be viewed very favorably, but I couldn't really find much about this. I read a few threads on this Forum about USB/IP but there doesn't seem to be much support for the protocol on BSD? I'm trying to create a VM to which most of my USB ports will be passed...
  19. P

    How to fix bhyve + kgdb online debugging setup for kernel development

    I'm trying to reach a point where I can do online debugging with kgdb of the FreeBSD kernel and it's modules in order to learn more about the system and take on a small projects in the system development. I have searched through the whole internet for the complete guide on how to do it however...
  20. M

    Solved BHYVE Linux VM Can Ping Host but No Internet

    Hi there. I've created a Alpline VM using Bhyve. I'm using WLAN0 so I am using NAT. My problem is the host and VM can ping each other but the VM can't see the Internet. I've setup the network with: ifconfig bridge create name natif up ifconfig tap0 create up ifconfig natif addm tap0 ifconfig...