
  1. bileslav

    Solved pkg autoremove does not do its job

    Please, what am I missing here? root@theos ~# pkg set -A 1 vscode Mark vscode-1.95.3 as automatically installed? [y/N]: y root@theos ~# pkg autoremove Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) Nothing to do. root@theos ~# pkg info --locked vscode vscode-1.95.3 no root@theos ~#...
  2. BaronBS

    pkg autoremove gave me a sqlite error

    Here is the screenshot: Do you guys have any idea about whats is causing this behavior?
  3. nobrowser

    How to make package "user installed"

    `pkg install` has a `-A, --automatic` option, but how to effect the opposite? I have a bunch of library packages that just got dragged in as I installed others. But now I'm building some code by hand that uses those libraries, so I want the containing packages to be "really" or "manually"...