
  1. A

    multi-architecture package repos

    OS: FreeBSD 12.4, ABI amd64. what I am trying to do is to enable multi-architecture pkg repos, i.e. to have both amd64 and i386. what I did is I made a conf file under /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos/*.conf and set the url to FreeBSD:12:i386. tried to run pkg update, it fetched all required i386...
  2. C

    Advice for selecting a proper FreeBSD platform for proxy/URL filtering

    Hello all, since 2002 I had a FreeBSD 3.x installation, in the role of firewall and proxy, with URL filtering. Not fancy hardware, just a Pentium 4 system with a 2Gb and a hdd to serve the needs of 130 (at the time again) users. The WAN link was a 1Mbps ADSL line. In 2008 the system got a WAN...