Elantech touchpad erratic

Just did a fresh install with 14-STABLE. Its an older Lenovo laptop, elantech ps/2 touchpad.

I installed xorg and XFCE. The track pad does move the cursor but it's completely erratic and unusable. It's almost like it mirrors itself as it moves, bounces up and down. I have read a few other topics on the forum and tried them on a previous install and nothing worked so I wiped it and started fresh again.

Please if anyone can help me figure this out. Trackpad was working fine on Fedora a few days ago.

Thanks in advance
I should mention, it seems to be a freebsd issue not an X issue as if I run moused before starting X the cursor does the same thing.
Not sure where to move this, but it sounds like an Xorg server configuration issue. There is an ietp(4) driver, but that appears to be for I2C elantech touchpads. Maybe yours is emulating a PS/2 mouse? Is there some setting in the BIOS regarding the touchpad?
Not sure where to move this, but it sounds like an Xorg server configuration issue. There is an ietp(4) driver, but that appears to be for I2C elantech touchpads. Maybe yours is emulating a PS/2 mouse? Is there some setting in the BIOS regarding the touchpad?
I can't find anything in BIOS for touchpad. It was the same problem in NomadBSD.

As I said even outside of Xorg, the cursor is erratic