How to get Sway to show menu and respond to keyboard input?
Sway starts (Picture of tree leaning in the breeze shows) but, instead of a menu, it has a grey bar at the top with a bunch of white outlines. in it.
I have not been able to start any applications. I tried COMMAND + ENTER, ALT + ENTER, COMMAND + D, ALT + D.
Using FreeBSD 14.2-RELEASE on fresh install
Install & Start sway:
So then I tried launching a different way:
and got errors:
Sway starts (Picture of tree leaning in the breeze shows) but, instead of a menu, it has a grey bar at the top with a bunch of white outlines. in it.
I have not been able to start any applications. I tried COMMAND + ENTER, ALT + ENTER, COMMAND + D, ALT + D.
Using FreeBSD 14.2-RELEASE on fresh install
Install & Start sway:
# add user to video group
pw groupmod video -m [username]
# Kernel Module for Intel Integrated GPU
kldload i915kms
# Install packages are recommended in the handbook
pkg install wayland seatd sway swayidle swaylock-effects alacritty dmenu-wayland dmenu
# as user
screen -D -R one
seatd-launch -l debug sway
Here I see error: "swaybar/tray/tray.c:42 Failed to connect to user bus: No such file or directory"
So then I tried launching a different way:
dbus-run-session sway
and got errors:
seatd/seat.c:332 Could not revoke drm master on device fd: Invalid argument
seatd/seat.c:550 Could not deactivate /dev/drm/0: Invalid argument