Solved Rescuing ZFS machine

So I'm trying to rescue my freebsd machine where I caused it to kernal panic on boot by adding an nvidia line to a config file in ETC.

I put the memstick img on a USB and can boot from it and then enter Single User Mode.

I was able to follow ShelLuser's post and # zpool import -fR /PCRootDrive zroot

However when I look in /PCRootDrive I only see

and the zroot directory looks empty.

Is there any way to get to my /etc directory to fix my configuration. Yes I'm learning the hard way to do environments
Hello there.

To edit the config file on the affected machine

Option 1 - boot the affected machine in single user mode, execute
 # zfs set readonly=off zroot/ROOT/default
edit file, exit single user mode.

Option 2 - boot FreeBSD installer/rescue system, execute
 # mkdir  /tmp/zfs
 # zpool  import  -R  /tmp/zfs zroot
 # zfs  mount  zroot/ROOT/default
edit file.
Thank you T-Daemon and JordanG -- I did have to mount... remount maybe to get write permission but after fumbling around with vi I was able to get rid of the bad line in /boot/loader.conf

She's back up and running. Now I will rewatch the leasons about environments.

VladiBG the tubes tells me you use zpool export when you are intentionally moving disks to another system and that it is not something to do if they are staying in their originating system. Is that correct ?
Previously if you try to import the pool into LiveCD which wasn't exported you get an error that it was used on another system and you have to force to import it. After that when you try to boot from the same pool again it fail to import because you missed the export from the LiveCD even the system/hardware is the same. I think this was fixed now.