Help!!! my server can't boot

you should try the
command while in the boot loader; it will help to identify devices that can be booted from.
We got this
Screenshot 2024-04-20 at 10.12.31 PM.png
server's version is FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE-p13 (GENERIC) when I ran pkg upgrade.
There is no more pkg repository for this EOL version. I just tested but, yes it uses the 13.2-RELEASE packages with some warnings. Don't leave this as is, it's a kind of trap...

One problem you can have, beside a system file error, maybe you installed one or more softwares that use a module which is started in /boot/loader.conf. As there is a minor version mismatch, it can affect badly the boot process.

Look in this file and comment lines like: coretemp_load="YES".

But, seriously upgrade to 13.2-RELEASE. This is the best solution if this is a module problem and it could.
Found these threads related to your problem:

There is one comment that may fix your issue, but I am not sure of that at all, so be careful, read the entire thread before doing anything and look also at the bug reports:

Side note, your server is on 13.0-RELEASE, it's out of date, 13.3 is the last one.
Thanks gotnull. I followed the third thread, change SATA from AHCI to IDE, it works well

who can explain it, and I never change BIOS settings
Thanks advice, Now I am updating to 13.1, then update to 13.2
There is no more pkg repository for this EOL version. I just tested but, yes it uses the 13.2-RELEASE packages with some warnings. Don't leave this as is, it's a kind of trap...

One problem you can have, beside a system file error, maybe you installed one or more softwares that use a module which is started in /boot/loader.conf. As there is a minor version mismatch, it can affect badly the boot process.

Look in this file and comment lines like: coretemp_load="YES".

But, seriously upgrade to 13.2-RELEASE. This is the best solution if this is a module problem and it could.
gpart picture confirms you are using legacy boot on GPT disk. (that's ok).

Can I run
gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptzfsboot -i 1 ada0
to fix it?

You were already in boot prompt, you were passed the "cannot boot from BIOS" stage.

From the bootloader prompt try to locate kernel, either current (/boot/kernel/kernel) or an old one ( /boot/kernel.old/kernel).

OK unload
OK load /boot/kernel/kernel
OK load /boot/kernel/zfs.ko
OK boot
Depending on the system you may need to load other modules (for sure you don't need to bother with coretemp, etc.).
Possibly use boot -s just to get to the single mode.

If you can't find kernel there boot to rescue CD, make a copy of /boot just in case, restore kernel from kernel.txz. /boot/lua could be restored from base. But first try what I mentioned above.